Dr. Christine K. Adams
Smart Psychology
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New Patient Registration Forms
Please complete the new patient registration packet that applies to you. Please note there are different packets for patients using insurance, patients who chose to pay without insurance, adults, children.

Adult(s) using insurance

Child(ren) using insurance

Bring your completed registration packet in with you to your first appointment or email it to me ahead of time at dr.ckadams@gmail.com.

What to Do When You Arrive

When you come into the waiting room, just off to your left is a door to the interior offices. There are toggle switches by the door. Flip the switch by "Office C" and take a seat. That switch turns on a light in my office so I know you have arrived and I will come out to greet you.
Click here for directions to my office.

Payment options


For patients using insurance, Headway is managing all my claims and billling. Headway manages everything related to payments and insurance.  I submit your session information to them. You do nothing. They accept auto debit or credit card payments.

The process is straightforward. With your permission, I send Headway your subscriber and insurance informan, Headway team will send you a welcome email with directions on how to set up a payment method with them.  Headway lets you know what your financial cost is per session ahead of time so that you know before the first session what benefits are.

If you paying out of pocket, I am able to accept check, cash, Zelle, or Venmo. Payment is made at the end of each session.